Special Thanks

Many, many people have worked with me on the development of We Have To Hurry. I want to take this opportunity to say their names out loud and sing their praises!

Pat Addiss and Lauren Yarger were the first to believe in the play and produced the first reading.

Davina Belling took me up on my offer to be our Executive Producer.  She is the best and very good at keeping me honest with my creative journey.

John Tillinger, my dear friend and the father of my extraordinary children, Emma and Sebastian, is an excellent dramaturge who guided me through my rewrites.

Elinor Renfield, also an amazing dramaturge and director, supported me through my early growing pains of writing the play.

Sherry Cohen, my friend and stage manager, encouraged me to keep developing the play. She introduced me to Josh Liebert and Alex Birsh.

Tralen Doler at BOD, Alex Birsh at Playbill.com and Tripp Chamberlain at Actor’s Equity helped make it possible for me to keep moving forward.

Glenna Freedman, PR woman extraordinaire. She has put together a great team to get the word out. 

Megan Schadler, Web Design, and John Friia Social Media Director.

John and Linda Egner who hosted me at their condo in Florida last winter right before the lockdown while I researched this play. Their balcony was my inspiration for the setting.

I have a wonderfully supportive family, who put up with a lot from Gramma! Pilar, Seb, and Tallulah who live next door, Emma, Nick, Alden and Lola and Jackson, Annique and Auguste.

Laurie and Karleen who look after the horses so I can be a playwright.

Chief among my special thanks are to the actors who have brought the characters to life.  

That is the miracle of theatre.  Come share it with us.

Dorothy Lyman